Babies & Children

Babies & Children


Babies 0- 36 months

When babies are born they have a natural reflex to swim which they eventually lose when they are between 10-14 months old. They can also naturally have an automatic dive reflex (gag reflex) to hold their breath to prevent chocking. We aim to use these strong reflexes and improve neural pathways in their bran to improve muscle activity in order to teach them to love the water, be safe in the water and learn to swim as young as possible.
It is important that babies learn how to turn on their back and float through practice and repetition in order to be safe in case they accidentally fall into water.
The aquatic skills your baby will learn include floating, submerging, propulsion, reacting and holding amongst many other skills. These are vital lifesaving skills and are vital for your baby to be independent in the water.
We are very dedicated, punctual, consistent, committed and motivated in what we do and we expect all our clients to commit and be consistent to achieve their goals.

Benefits of baby and toddler swimming

Regular swimming can improve the babies eating and sleeping pattern and makes bowel movement easier

The water allows our littlest swimmers to move freely in ways they cannot on dry land, this has amazing benefits and improves muscular stamina, joint strength, improves heart and lung function and baby’s general coordination.

Baby swimming lessons provide an environment like no other for you and your baby to have real quality time together. It is a very unique bonding experience and provides mutual enjoyment for both adult and the baby.

Due to the nature of the lessons and progression that you and your baby will go through, you will both become more confident with each other when in an aquatic environment and creates lasting trust between the baby and the adult even outside the water.

Cautious babies will accept risk and boisterous babies will learn caution, but ultimately we will greatly improve your little one’s independence and self-confidence.


3 – 16 years

We have developed a very fast and efficient method that is unique to our swim school and every teacher is trained to follow it. This method is proven to be very easy and fun to learn and every child we teach can very quickly be independent in the water without feeling pressured.
Every child should feel and be safe when swimming in water. While we strongly insist that every adult and child should never swim alone or unsupervised, we feel that it is important that a child should learn to deal with difficult situations and learn to reach safety from the beginning of their journey in learning to swim.
We aim to also recognise any talented children from the beginning and guide them and their parents on how to get into swimming not just as a hobby but in a competitive level too. We have a number of great swimmers whom we have recognised over the years and are currently being trained by us and they are achieving very high levels in national and international levels.
We are very dedicated, punctual, consistent, committed and motivated in what we do and we expect all our clients to commit and be consistent to achieve their goals.

Benefits of swimming for children

Mental Aspects

Swimming is fun and water creates calm. Following a swim teacher will improve discipline and teaches caution

Physical Improvement

Swimming helps children improve essential skills such as balance, posture, coordination, concentration and improves motor skills.


 It helps endurance, flexibility, maintains a healthy weight and improves heart and lung function.

Regular Swimming

Regular swimming increases lung capacity, especially for children with respiratory complications such as asthma

Freqenetly Asked Questions

From what age can babies start their swimming lessons?

Babies can start swimming straight from birth as long as they are fit and healthy and the swimming pool is clean and warm enough for them. We advice all parents/guardians to check with their doctors specially if the baby was born prematurely or if they have any underlying health conditions.

How long will it take for my child to learn swimming?

We always advise parents that every child is different and we never expect all children to learn in the exact same timeline. 

Can I book a swimming instructor for a pool party at my private pool?

Yes, please contact us for further details.